Computer GK-– These MS one line questions are very important for JOA, Clerk , Bank Clerk, Insurance, SO and other exam where one’s computer knowledge is tested. In this article important questions are given those can be asked in different competitive examinations.

Q.1.File extensions are used in order to ……….
(A) Name the file
(B) Ensure the filename is not lost
(C) Identify the file
(D) Identify the file type
Ans . D
Q.2. Here are …………. parts to a computer system.
(A) 2
(B) 4
(C) 16
(D) 100
Ans . B
Q.3.During the ………… portion of the Information Processing Cycle, the computer acquires data from some source.
(A) processing
(B) storage
(C) input
(D) output
Ans . C
Q.4.bit stands for
(A) binary information term
(B) binary digit
(C) binary tree
(D) Bivariate Theory
Ans . B
Q.5.Which one of the following is different from other members?
(A) Google
(B) Windows
(C) Linux
(D) Mac
Ans . A
Q.6.The hexadecimal number system consists of the symbols
(A) 0 – 7
(B) 0 – 9 , A – F
(C) 0 – 7, A – F
(D) None of these
Ans . B
Q.7.1 GB is equal to
(A) 230 bits
(B) 230 bytes
(C) 220 bits
(D) 220 bytes
Ans . B
Q.8.A microprocessor unit, a memory unit, and an input/output unit form a:
(B) compiler
(C) microcomputer
Q.9.Process to exit from computer by giving correct instructions such as ‘EXIT’ is classified as
(A) log in
(B) process out
(C) process in
(D) log out
Ans . D
Q.10.Function of running and loading programs by use of peripherals is function of
(A) operating system
(B) inquiry system
(C) dump programs
(D) function system
Ans . A
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