English Grammar

Adjective of Number

Adjective of Numberसंख्यावाचक विशेषण Adjective of Number is used to answer the question how many, wherever it can be counted. This adjective informs us of how many objects or persons are being described or give information about the objects order. Adjective of number का उपयोग “कितने” प्रश्न के उस उत्तर में होता है जहाँ गिनती की जा …

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Adjective for Comparison

Adjective for Comparisonतुलनावाचक विशेषण Adjective used to compare nouns of the same category are Adjectives of Comparison. There are three levels of comparison in the English language. एक श्रेणी के nouns में तुलना करने में Adjectives की विशेष भूमिका है. English भाषा में तुलना 3 स्तर पर की जा सकती है. Positive Degree – मूलावस्था …

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Parts of Speech


Parts of Speech (पार्ट्स ऑफ स्पीच)शब्द-भेद Parts of Speech Groups of words are spoken or written together in a specific manner to create meaningful sentences. The interpretation of the message can be changed in how the words are arranged or used. In order to get the proper sequence of words to deliver the correct message we …




Noun (नाउन) – संज्ञा NOUN Generally, the purpose of a sentence is to provide information about or give instructions to a person, animal, place or thing. The word or words used in the sentence that refer to the name of the person, animal, place or thing are known as Noun. It is probably the most …

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Sentence (सेंटेंस) – वाक्य We use language to exchange messages with others. Every language provides for the usage of a collection of words to communicate. Such collection of words that communicate a complete message is known as a sentences. संदेश के आदान प्रदान के लिये भाषा का उपयोग किया जाता है. हर भाषा में बोलने …

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