Indian National Congress 1885

Indian National Congress-1885


When Indian National Congress was formed?

  • In December 1884, Allan Octavian Hume, an Englishman and retired civil servant, presided over a private meeting with 17 men after a Theosophical convention in Madras. Hume had to get the approval of the then Viceroy Lord Dufferin to hold the meeting.
  • The idea of forming the Indian National Congress was conceived in this meeting.  At the time of foundation, the party’s objective was to obtain a greater participation for educated Indians in the government and to create a forum where political dialogues among educated Indians and the British Raj could be arranged. Hume’s main purpose was probably to provide a ‘safety valve’ to the growing discontent among the educated Indians.
  • The first meeting of the Congress was scheduled to take place at Poona (now Pune).
  • The conference received the unanimous support of all Indian leaders, However, due to a cholera outbreak, the event was shifted to Bombay (now Mumbai).
First Indian National Congress

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Other important leaders during foundation of Indian National Congress were Dadabhai Nairoji, Badrudin Tyabji, Aiyyar, Dinshaw Vacha, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Mahadev Govind Ranade, Madan Mohan Malviya, Anand Mohan Bose,R.R.Dutt, Ferozshah Mehta, G.K.Gokhale, G. Subramaniyam.

What was the Approach of Indian National Congress?

  • From 1885 onwards the INC met every year and its cause spread rapidly among the middle class Indians.
  • There were 72 members to attend the first session of Indian National Congress.
  • The approach of Indian National Congress Leaders for first two decades i.e. 1885-1905 was quite moderated and was confided in British justice and generosity.
  • Due to the repressive measures of the British gave rise to extremists with in congress like Bipin Chander Pal, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, and Lala Lajpat Rai, the trio also known as Lal, Bal, Pal along with Aurobindo Ghosh.
  • Though Indian National Congress Made a very humble beginning, yet it gradually developed in to a powerful organisation. Indian freedom struggle was started with the birth of Indian National Congress

List of President of Indian National Congress-(1885-1948) along with the Place of meeting

Year Place President
1885, 1882 Bombay, Allahabad Womesh Chunder Bonnerjee
1886 Calcutta Dadabhai Naoroji
1893 Lahore Dadabhai Naoroji
1906 Calcutta Dadabhai Naoroji
1887 Madras Badruddin Tyyabji (fist Muslim President)
1888 Allahabad George Yule (first English President)
1889 Bombay Sir William Wedderburn
1890 Calcutta Sir Feroze S.Mehta
1895, 1902 Poona, Ahmedabad S.N Banerjee
1905 Banaras G.K Gokhale
1907, 1908 Surat, Madras Rasbehari Ghosh
1909 Lahore M.M Malviya
1916 Lucknow A.C Majumdar (Re-union of the Congress)
1917 Calcutta Annie Besant (first woman President)
1919 Amritsar Motilal Nehru
1920 Calcutta (Special Session) Lala Lajpat Rai
1921,1922 Ahmadabad, Gaya C.R Das
1923 Delhi (Special session) Abdul Kalam Azad (youngest President)
1924 Belgaon M.K. Gandhi
1925 Kanpur Sarojini Naidu (first Indian woman President)
1928 Calcutta Motilal Nehru (first All India Youth  Congress Formed)
1929 Lahore J.L. Nehru (Poorna Swaraj Resolution was passed)
1931 Karachi Vallabhbhai Patel (Here, resolution on Fundamental Rights and the National Economic Program was passed)
1932, 1933 Delhi, Calcutta (Session Banned)
1934 Bombay Rajendra Prasad
1936 Lucknow J.L. Nehru
1937 Faizpur J.L Nehru (first session in a village)
1938 Haripura Subhash Chandra Bose (a National Planning Committed set-up under J.L Nehru).
1939 Tripuri S.C.Bose was re-elected but had to resign due to protests by Gandhiji (as Gandhiji supported Dr. Pattabhi Sitaramayya). Rajendra Prasadwas appointed in his place.
1940 Ramgarh Abdul Kalam Azad
1946 Meerut Acharya J.B Kriplani
1948 Jaipur Dr. Pattabhi Sitaramayya.
Mahatma Gandhi and Subhash Chandra Bose

Who were the Female Presidents of Indian National Congress?

YearPlaceName of Female President
1917CalcuttaSmt. Annie Besant
1925KanpurSmt. Sarojini Naydu
1933CalcuttaSmt. Nalini Sen Gupta


INC represents only a microscopic minoritiesLord Dufferin(Contempporary Viceroy)
INC should distinguished between begging and claiming the rightsBal Gangadhar Tilak (Extremist Leader)
INC playing with bubblesBipin Chandra Pal
INC is a begging institute Aurobindo Ghosh(Extremist Leader)
The congress is tottering to its fall, and one of my great ambitions, while in Inda, is to assist it to a peaceful demise.Lord Curzon

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